Backgrounds: Currently, drug-resistant TB, especially MDR-TB, is emerging as a huge challenge to the prevention of tuberculosis. Objective: To study drug resistance in new patients and re-treated pulmonary tuberculosis AFB (+). Subjects and Methods: Prospective, descriptive, cross-sectional study; determination of drug resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in 89 patients with tuberculosis AFB (+) by culture and antibiotic susceptibility tests w:th BACTEC MGIT 960 at the Department of Microbiology - Hanoi Lung Disease Hospital. Results: The overall resistance rate of four anti-TB drugs was 29.22 percent, in which, 1 drug resistance was 6.74 percent; the resistance against from 2 to 3 drugs was 5.62 percent; and the resistance against 4 drugs was 11.24 percent; and MDR rate is 17.97 percent of the patients. The rate of drug resistance in re-treated pulmonary tuberculosis group (84.6 percent) was significantly higher than the new pulmonary TB group (19.8 percent); and the rate of drug resistance against from 3 to 4 drugs in the re-treatment pulmonary TB group was 76.8 percent higher than the new pulmonary TB group (9.2 percent) (p 0.05). Condusion: The results of the study show that the rate of drug resistance, MDR-TB in the pulmonary TB AFB (+) group was high. especially in the re-treated pulmonary TB group.
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