Objective: To evaluate the clinical and paraclinical characterstics of nasopharyneal cancer patients staged I, II diagnosed and treated in K Hospital. Patients and methods: 126 nasopharyneal cancer patients diagnosed, staged I, II and treated in K Hospital from 01/2008 to 04/2012. The retrospective descriptive study. Results: The most often seen ages ranged from 40 to 59 with the pick was from 50 to 59. The male to female ratio was 1.7/1. Admission reasons were migraine and epistaxis accounted for 77.9 percent. The duration of symptoms, from the time appearing the first symptoms to the moment of examination, ranged from 2 weeks to 3 months accounted for 91.3 percent. Morphologically, the protrudes 73.8 percent, the mixtes 17.5 percent, the ulcers 1.6 percent. Locally, posterior nasal fossa invaded tumors accounted for 77 percent. Radiologically (CT and MRI), Rosenmuller cavity invaded tumors accounted for 46.1 percent, parapharyneallymph node invasion 7.1 percent. T2- tumors were more frequent than T1, NO was the most frequent (89.6 percent), N1 10.4 percent.
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