Objectives: 1- Describe the clinical and paraclinical features of suspected pulmonary tuberculosis patients treated at the respiratory center Bach Mai hospital; 2- Comments the results of GeneXpert test in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid of suspected pulmonary tuberculosis who patients treated at respiratory therapy center at Bach Mai Hospital. Subjects: 98 suspected pulmonary tuberculosis patients were tested GeneXpert in bronchial lavage in Respiratory Center at Bach Mai Hospital from May/2013 to May /2014. Research method: Prospective,cross-sectional descriptive. Results: The average age was 52.56 +/- 18.53. Age over 60 accounted for the highest percentage of 33.7 percent. The ratio of male / female: 1.5 / 1. The common clinical symptoms: fever 53.1 percent, fatigue 36.7 percent, productive cough 51 percent, cough and chest pain accounted for 37.8 percent, 37.7 percent crackles. Positive Mantoux test: 23.4 percent. Chest CT: injuries accounted for 44.9 percent coagulation, 23.5 percent node lesions. Bronchoscopy: no lesions accounted for 34.7 percent, the most common is the right upper lobe lesion 22.4 percent, 17.3 percent left upper lobe. In diagnosed tuberculosis patients, GeneXpert test has Se 77,4 percent, Sp 100 percent, PPV 100 percent, NPV 91 percent. The case of culture-positive TB bacteria, GeneXpert test has Se 92,9 percent, Sp 85,1 percent, PPV 54,2 percent, NPV 98,4 percent. Conclusion: In the the study, the sensitivity and specificity of the GeneXpert test in bronchoalveolar lavage were hight and It should be used as the initial diagnosis test in individuals suspected of having pulmonary tuberculosis.
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