Purpose: To analyze the the clinical features and the preliminary treatment results of ocular contusion. Patients: patients with ocular contusion were treated in Trauma department, VNlO from 1/2003 to 12/2007. Methods: Descriptive retrospective study. General information were gathered such as age, sex, symptoms and signs at different time points. The treatment result at discharge were evaluated. Data were analysed with medical statistics software. Results: Prepondilection of young age, male, home accidents. Various lesions: eye ball rupture: 11.6 percent; choroido-retinal lesions: 50.25 percent; Hyphema: 52.46 percent; cilio-iridal lesions: 30.12 percent, cristalline injuries: 45.56 percent; Vitreous hemorrhage: 43.46 percent; retinal lesions: 22.96 percent; choroidal lesions: 2.09 percent. Functional impairment: 12.11 percent cases of blindness. 87.77 percent with VA CF at 3m: 34.7 percent with high IOP Remarkable functional improvement: 15.24 percent had VA better than 1/10 at admission increased up to 45.07 percent at the discharge. VA CF at 3m in 82.77 percent at admission reduced to 52.18 percent at discharge. IOP at discharge: stable in 81.28 percent; high in 6.01 percent. Conclusion: Lesions after contusion varied a lot and severely affected the vision. Although there was a significant improvement of VA after treatment the long term follow up was needed due to the complicated and un predicted nature of the injury.
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