Cord blood is potential source for hematopoitic stemcell transplantation of pediatric patient. How are the results of QC tests to evaluate the collected, processed, stored cord blood units for the candidates of transplantation? Objective:To evaluate the parameters from the QC tests of these cord blood units and association between these and mother and child factors Method and Material: crossectional descritipve research is applied. Data is ana lysed on the 58 cord blood units. Result: 56/58 cord blood units were collected by in utero technique The results of the tests on 58 collected cord blood units: weight (volume), full blood count: total nucleated cell TNC, CD34+ counting, blood culture, virus screening, Viability The preliminary association between mother child factors and thats result. Conclusion: 56/58 cord blood units were collected by in utero technique: among of them: 48 percent of 100 ml, 7 percent of over 150 ml, 26 percent of from 80 to 100 ml, 19 percent of over 50 ml- 80 mi. Screening tests on virusHBV, HCV, HIV Negative for all cordblood units Cell Counting after processing TNC: 9 percent of these units have level of 7*108, 91 percent remain reach higher level: over 7*108. CD34+ counting: 9 percent of unitts below 1 *106, 91 percent remaining units have level: over 1*106. The recovery of TNC is 77 percent. Viability (trypan stain) average:97 percent after prosessing, 95 percent storing. Viability (FACS) average: 96 percent after prosessing, 93 percent storing. Blood culture Positive 3.4 percent, for collected units, 1.7 percent for processed units. CFU assay Positive for all units and 10 units post store over 6 months.
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