Through researching (cross-cut desciption of retrospective method blood donation plan in 2010 and the results achieved over the country, we can see that all cities and provinces have had plans of blood donation campaigns in 2010, in which 90.5 percent had concrete criteria; 76.2 percent had detailed infomation about time, place and number of blood units received in each place in year; 103.4 percent achieved criteria of year with 101.7 percent of days got the criterion of people registering, 102.9 percent got the criterion of received number of blood units, 76.7 percent got the rate of repeating donation and 168.2 percent got the reserve donors. The average number of working days and expenditure of organization over 1 unit received increased highly in fail days and decreased in successful ones. 100 percent of the days completing or over plan met the need of blood to treat and save patients and 50 percent of fail days met this need.
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