Objective: To describe the actual use and evaluate the results of antiviral treatment in the patients with HIV/AIDS. Subjects: Outpatients with HIV/AIDS are being managed and treated with antiretroviral drugs in Thai Nguyen A Hospital. Methods: Descriptive study. Results: The male patients accounted for 60.3 percent , aged from 30 to 39 (62.8 percent ). 53.8 percent of the patients do not have a job. Before the treatment, the patients were mainly in clinical phases II and III (39.7 percent and 24.4 percent ); 70.5 percent of results::;; 200 cells/mm3. ARVs which were used is 1c regimen (53.8 percent ). The rate of patients with stage III decreased from 24.4 percent to 1.3 percent ; Phase IV decreased from 11.5 percent to 2.6 percent (p 0.05). CD4 cell increased after the treatment from 140 to 227 cells/mm3. The incidence of candidiasis decreased from 21.8 percent to 2.5 percent , diarrhea decreased from 41.0 percent to 0 percent . The average weight of patients increased from 49.2 kg to 50.9 kg; the number of patients able to return to the normal job increased from 7.7 percent to 14.1 percent . Common side effects were headache, fatigue (14.1 percent ), anemia (11.5 percent ) and increased liver enzymes (10.3 percent ).
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