Objective: Asessment of results of laparoscopic surgery for treatment cholecystitis in Nghe an general friendship Hospital. Matrlals and Methods: Retrospective descriptive study combined a prospective of 44 patients with acute cholecystitis and chronic endoscopic surgery cholecystectomy from January 2011 to December 2012 in Nghe an general friendship hospital. Results: from January 2011 to December 2012, fourty-four patients were laparoscopic surgery for treatment cholecystitis. Male/Female ratio was 1.09, average age was binh 52,0 + or - 14,2(25-86), Acutes cholecystitis was 21.76 percent and Acutes cholecystitis was 78.24 percent. No conversion to traditional laparoscopic or open surgery, There was one patient (2.3 percent) Posoperation abscess; mean operative time was 50,22 + or - 16,3 (30-120) minutes; hospital stay was 4,88 + or - 1,7 (3-11) days. Conclusion: Laparoscopic cholecystectomy cholecystitis treatment gives better results and become routine, fewer complications and no deaths during and after surgery.
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