Background: Direct stenting for coronary artery lesions has advantages on reducing procedure time, radiation expose and contrast volume used. Safety and equivalent outcomes compared with balloon predilatation stenting. Methode: Prospective, cohort study with comparison between Direct stenting and balloon predilatation stenting: Procedure time, contrast, radiation and cost. Results: 335 patients PCI were enrolled in the study, divided two group: Direct stenting: 164 patients (Type lesion: A: 54,27 percent and B: 45.73 percent) and 171 patients (A: 48.53 percent B: 51.47 percent) underwent balloon predilatation stenting. The rate of successful clinical procedure and 96.94 percent in the direct stenting and 98.97 percent in the balloon predilatation stenting (p 0.05). Procedure time: 29.31 + or - 10.66 minutes in the direct stenting group and 38.68 + or - 12.82 minutes in group balloon predilatation stenting (p 0.05); radiation expose: 358,82 + or - 186.35 seconds and 490.98 + or - 233.89 seconds (p 0.05), volume contrast used: 137.12 + or - 35.38 ml and 168.75 + or - 37.95 ml (p 0.05). The cost of direct stenting BMS 26,016,786 + or - 1,396,353 compared to balloon predilatation stenting 34,571,536 + or - 1,858,769 VND (p0.05). The cost of direct stenting DES 45,286,752 + or - 2,563,458 compared to balloon predilatation stenting DES 56,972,958 + or - 6,938,575 VND (p 0.05). Conclusion: Coronary direct stenting is a safe, time and cost saving if properly indicated and have a comparable outcome with balloon predilatation stenting.
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