Purposes: - To evaluate the effectiveness of Cyclosporine A in the prevention of post-operation reoccurrence of pterygia after autograft conjunctival transplantation. - To evaluate the safety of topical admission of Cyclosporine A. Subjects and Methods: Patients with pterygia who were treated with autolgraft conjunctival transplantation at Cho Ray Hospital from 01/01/2011 to 31/12/2011. The subjects were divided into 2 groups: - Treated with topical adn;1ission of Cyclosporine A (group 1): Cyclosporine A 0,05 percent 2 times a day, 12 hours apart, 1 drop at a time, for 3 months. - Not treated with Cyclosporine A (group 2). Methodology: Longitudinal, clinical trials, a series of cases, with controls. 30 eyes/group, followed up for 12 months. Results: 1 month after operations, 1 patient in group 2 had reoccurence (3,3 percent). 3 months after operations, 2 more patients in group 2 had:reoccurence (10.0 percent), while there was 1 patient with reoccurence in group 1 (3,3 percent). - 6 months after operations, there were 2 more in each group (6,7 percent). 12 months after operations, there was no more. reoccurence. Overall, reoccurence appeared sooner in group 2. After 6 months, 6 patients in group 2 had reoccurence (20,0 percent) while there were 3 (10,0 percent) in group 1. The difference is significant (p=0,001). BUT Time: In group 1, BUT Time improved more remarkably, from 10,21:1,8 seconds to 12,61:1,6 seconds. In group 2, the improvement was not remarkable. Conclusion: - 6 months after operations, 6 patients in group 2 had reoccurence (20,0 percent) while there were 3 (10,0 percent) in group 1. The difference is significant (p=0,001. Therefore, in pterygium surgery with autograft conjunctival transplantation, topical admission of Cyclosporine A 0,05 percent twice a day, in 3 months can help prevent reoccurence. - After 12-month follow-up, there was no significant difference in complications between the groups. Therefore, topical admission of Cyclosporine A 0,05 percent with aforementioned dose and frequency is safe.
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