Objectives: To acess the knowledge and practice about acute respiratory infections of mothers have children under a year old have been infecting diseases at Thanh Ha district, Hai Duong province. Study methods: Slide description include all children birth to under 12 months old at Thanh Ha district, Hai Duong province and their mother from 9/2008 to 10/2009. Result: Knowledge is 36 percent of mothers understand a symtom of acute respiratIJry infections out of eleven symtoms; 12 percent of mothers know a symtom, 7 percent of mothers know 3 symtoms; 11.8 percent of mothers know tachypnea is also a bad symtom of acute respiratpry infections. Practicse: over 50 percent of mothers choose medical aid station. 70 percent of mothers let their children eat normally, 9.4 percent let their children eat beUer, 7 percent let them in a diet; 4.3 percent let the children drink a lot and 2 percent let them drink just a little. Discussion: 36.1 percent of mothers know their children have been tachypnea, 23.7 percent of mothers know tachypnea and dyspnea are symtoms. There are 19 percent of mothers that when they see their children cough, they take antibiotics; 18 percent of mothers answered that they tracK their children breathe, 12.4 percent track their children cough, 26.7 percent and track at least 2 symtoms of the disease. Conclusion: When the children cough, have a fever, 56.5 percent of mothers take their children to the medical aid station, 10.5 percent buy medicine theirself; 73 percent of mothers see their kids cough and have a fever, they let their children drink antibiotics, follow the instruction and 18 percent say if their children cough, they'll let the children drink antibiotics. When the kids cough and have a fever, 17.9 percent of mothers watching the breathe beat and 20.7 percent watch both the cough and the breathe beat.
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