Trabeculectomy applied Mitomycin C can prevent antifibrotic bleb. the authors used Indiana Bleb Appearance Grading Scale (/BAGS) and Visante OCT to evaluate bleb after trabeculectomy applied Mitomycin C to treat recurrent glaucoma. Purpose: To evaluate bleb of trabeculectomy applied Mitomycin C, relations beween IOL and the condition of bleb. Objectives and methods: Clinical prospective study, 30 eyes included 12 eyes (40 percent) primary open angle glaucoma and 18 eyes (60 percent) primary close angle glaucoma, which had uncontrolled lOP (21 mmHg) with or without glaucoma medication and fibroblastic flat bleb and operated 2nd time. Result: Using biomicroscope, the height of bleb was medium and high (33.3 percent to 46.7 percent); extend of bleb after 2 hours was 83,3 percent. Avascular bleb was 70 percent (1 month), 80 percent (3 months) va 83.3 percent (6 months). 2 eyes had test seidel (+) afer 1 week. On OCT, cyst bleb was 9 eyes (30 percent), diffuse bleb was 19 eyes (63.3 percent), Tenon bleb was 1 eye (3.3 percent) and flat bleb was 1 eye (3,3 percent). Average IOL decreased from 28.73 +/- 3.21 mmHg (preorepated) to 13.63 +/- 6.15 mmHg (after 1 week), 13.97 +/- 5.61 mmHg (after 1 month), 14.3 +/- 4.6 mmHg (after 3 months) and 14.53 +/- 4.09 mmHg (after 6 months) (p0.05). Complete controlled IOL appeared cyst bleb and diffuse bleb 31 percent va 68 percent respectively, unchanged for 6 months (p0.05). Uncomplete controlled IOL apepeared mainly in the form of Tenon bleb and flatbleb Conclusions: Result of trabeculectomy which applied Mitomycin C had good morphology, funtiona/. bleb in treating recurrent glaucoma due to fibrotic bleb.
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