Các đột biến xác định kháng hoặc có liên quan kháng thuốc chiếm ưu thế trong nhóm bệnh nhân có tồn tại ký sinh trùng sốt rét ngày D3 (+). Sự làm chậm sạch P. falciparum thể vô tính trong máu có liên quan với các đột biến kháng thuốc.
Backgrounds: Resistance to the artemisinin in Plasmodium falciparum is an urgent health concern in South - East Asia. The spread or independent emergence of artemisinin resistance in other parts of the world could require to identify effective markers to monitor its spread. Methods: A study design of non - randomized controlled study design for the first 7 days (Fast - TES), and the K13-propeller domain will be amplified by nested PCR, then sequencing to detect K13 propeller polymorph isms and describe the correlation between K13 mutations and delayed parasite clearance. Results: the data showed that proportion of positive parasitemia at D3 in Gialai was 35.6 percent and Daknong was 21.1 percent. Mutations observed in the patients had no positive parasitemia at D3 are T4741 and K503N (Gialai), E605K and V520I (Daknong), and wild type - these are not correlated to artemisinin resistance. Vice - versa, overall the others mutant alleles in the patients had day 3 positive post - treatment. The frequency of these are e580Y, R539T, Y493H, V568G of 36.5 percent; 16.5 percent; 1.2 percent and 5.2 percent, respectively (in Gia Lai sentinel site) and C580Y, I543T, E605K, K503K, V520I of 24.6 percent; 12 percent; 3 percent; 0.9 percent and 8 percent, respectively (in Daknong sentinel site). With the day 3 positivity patients post - treatment, the confirmed and associated mutations, respectively C580Y, R539T, Y493H, I543T and V568G, are prominent in comparison with the others not associated with artemisinin resistance (E605K, K503K, V520I). Conclusions: The confirmed or associated K13 - propeller mutant seems to be correlated to delayed parasite clearance time as followed by WHO classification.
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