Human papilloma virus (HPV) is necessary cause of cervical cancer and the use of Pap smear testing for cytology-based screening is effective method to prevent cervical cancer which is the most common cause of death in women in Vietnam. Objectives: to contribute some informations about cervical among female sex woker in Northern Vietnam. Methods: 1/ Cross-sectional study with 281 female sex workers in Northern Vietnam; 2/ to detect HPV-DNA by polymerase chain reaction using modified and onglnal GP5+/6+ primer; 3/ Papamcolaous testing to screen cervical cytology. Results: 4/281 (1.4 percent) have ASC-H/ASC-US and 5/281 (1.8 percent) FSW have LSIL/HSIL, HPV-DNA positive were detected in 100 percent FSWs with ASC-H/ASC-US and LSIL/HSIL. Conclusion: The abnormal cervical cytology among FSWs in Northern Vietnam was 1.8 percent, and higher than that in general population.
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