Purpose: The aim of this study is to investigate the feasibility and effectiveness of laparoscopic-assisted (LA) operation in the management of congenital intestinal atresia (CIA). Subjects and Methods: Medical records of all patients undergoing LA for CIA at the National Hospital of Pediatrics, Hanoi, Vietnam, from February 2010 to April 2012 were reviewed. For LA, one port of 10 mm (single port) on the umbilicus or two orther (3-5mm) trocars were used. CO2 insuffaltion pressure was around 8-10 mmHg. The intestinal atresia segments was delivered out of the abdomen through a minimally enlarged incision on the umbilicus (single port) or on the right lower quarter of abdominal wall (two trocars); the intestinal atresia segments were used by the technique of resection and end to end anastomosis after tapering the proximal dilated bowel performed extracorporally. Results: From February 2010 to April 2012, 25 children (14 males, 11 females) suffering from congenital intestinal atresia were operated on by laparoscopic-assisted, with a mean age of 3.3 + or - 3.7 days. There were 23 LA eases used two Smm ports and 2 LA eases used single port of 10 mm. Mean operative time was 88 + or - 38 minutes. There were no intraoperative deaths. One patient (4 percent) died on the 2nd postoperative day due to septicemia. There were 2 (8 percent) eases of postoperative complieations (one anastomotic leakage, and one early postoperative intestinal obstruction due to anastomotic stenosis). Mean hospital stay after operation was 7.8 + or - 1.6 days. Follow-up was obtained in 24 eases, ranging from 3 to 24 months. There were 2 (8.3 percent) cases with postoperative intestinal obstruction (lease was due to adhesion band and lease was due to total colonic aganglionic). All other patients remained well. Conclusions: Laparoscopic management is safe, feasible, and effective and should be the treatment of choice for almost cases of CIA in newborns.
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