Objectives of the study: To describe epidemiological elements, opportunistic infections and to evaluate effect of ARV treatment on HIV/AIDS patients in outpatient clinics in the province. Time of the research among 6 months (from July to December of 2011). Methods: The retrospect research on AIDS patients has been treating ARV in outpatient clinics in the whole province. The data was ana lysed and processed on Epi-info 2002 sofware. Results: From 2005 to 2011, 417 AIDS patients are treated ARV in which 30 percent patient death by AIDS, 36,5 percent patient has been treated in outpatient clinics from VCR service, 32,1 percent patient arrived and treated in outpatient clinics by themselves. Pathological of respiratory and digestive systems is usually to catch on AIDS patients. The patients with low CD4 cell die a lot more than the patients with higher CD4. Most of them are used treatment draft (3TC-D4T-NVP), occuping 51,8 percent; In the process of ARV treatment, 16,1 percent change of treatment draft twice and 2,1 percent change three times. The patients change of treatment draft because of preventing side-effect of medicines occupying 69,2 percent and 83,7 percent in compliance with treatment.
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