Objective: to evaluate the results of treatment Hepato Carcino cellulair (HCC) are not indicated surgical intervention in Viet-Duc Hospital from January 2009 to January 2011. Material and method: a retrospectiveperspective research on the 132 patients at the Trans Artery Chymo Embolyzation (TACE) by HCC without surgical intervention indicated. Results: average age: 54.21 + or - 11.85 (min: 19 years, max: 78 years), male / female = 3.77, 69 percent of patients had pain in the righ upper quadrant, 38 percent of patients with loss weight, 67 percent increased AFP, 61 percent have a tumor, average size of tumor 6.8 + or - 6.0 cm, 25 percent of patients have tumors in two livers. Conclusion: Surgical intervention is the best treatment in HCC, but cases of HCC without surgical intervention indicated, TACE with the advantage that safety, easy to do, no serious complications after the procedure also brings certain results with average survival time was 15.96 + or - 4.3 months, death after the procedure was 3 percent.
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