Cancer registry is the unique data source of the cancer burden of a community in order to establish the cancer control and prevention programme. The aime of this report is to analyse an overall picture of the cancer situation in Haiphong for 2011 year. The result of cancer registry of the year 2011: - A total of 3357 new cancers were registered during the period of 2011 in Haiphong comprising 1931 males (57.52 percent) and 1426 females (42.48 percent). - Incidence rate was 215.7/100.000 in male (ASR 210.3/100.000) and 155.6/100.000 in female (ASR 135.8/100.000). - Cancer incidence increasingly age, but high increasingly by the ages of 40 in both of sexes. - In male, lung cancer (CR: 62.4, ASR: 62), and liver cancer (CR: 26.8, ASR: 26.3) was the first and the second of top rank. - In female, breast cancer (CR: 26.2, ASR: 23.1) and lung cancer (CR: 25.8, ASR: 22.3) was the first and the second of top rank.
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