From 7/1994 to 12/2010, at the Institute of Orthopeadics of Mitilary Central Hospital No.108, 159 amputated parts of the thumb of 157 patients were replantated, including 133 males and 24 females, the average age 27.2 (range 8-57). A total of 159 amputated parts of thumb involving 119 complete and 40 incomplete amputations; the position of injury, zone II: 5 thumbs, zone III: 121 thumbs, zone IV: 33 thumbs; the lastly total ischemia time thumb was 20 hours. Results: 130/159 (81.7 percent) replanted thumbs were survived, including: 64/73 (87 percent) sharp cutting thumbs and 66/86 (77 percent) avulsing or crushing thumbs. The cause offailure: venous thrombosis: 10 thumbs; arterial thrombosis: 19 thumbs. The combined postoperative functional outcome rate were 100 percent satisfaction, either "excellent" and "good" were 88/105 (83.8 percent), base on an average follow up period of 32 months.
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