Liver fluke is an important helminth of human in Southeast Asia, including Vietnam, are receiving increasing attention as the information on their diversity and prevalence emerges. The objectives of the present study are to survey knowledge, attitudes and practice on liver fluke infection prevention in second degree students of the eighth grade of Hanoi University of Pharmacy in 2013. Subjects and method: cross-sectional study described by interviewed 24 second degree students of the eighth grade of Hanoi University of Pharmacy with liver fluke infection prevention based on questionaires. Results: 79,2 percent of students have knowledge of liver fluke; 89,4 percent of students have knowledge of transmission of liver fluke disease. 63,6 percent of students will recommend other people do not eat raw or insufficiently heated food. 29,2 percent of students still have raw fish. Conclusion: The rate of students have the right knowledge and right attitude on liver fluke prevention is high but the rate of students have the right practice on liver fluke prevention is low.
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