Introduction: The benign prostate hyperplasia and the prostate cancer have the same clinical symptoms and are caused by the increase in PSA value. Nowadays, PSA total value (tPSA) is often combined with PSA-free (tPSA) serum to discriminate one from tile other. With the purpose of minimizing unnecessary biopsies and increasing the diagnosis possibility of prostate cancer, the authors focus on investigating the meaning of free-PSA percentage with tPSA10ng/ml. Objective: Investigating the meaning of free-PSA percentage used in discriminating benign prostate hyperplasia and prostate cancer with tPSA10ng/ml. Patients: 122 male patients with tPSA10ng/ml diagnosed by prostate biopsy were divided into two groups, in which, 74 patients in the benign prostate hyperplasia and 74 patients in the prostate cancer group. Method: Descriptive research. Results: The patients with tPSA value from 21.75ng/ml to 38.665 ng/ml and the free-PSA percentage under 17.697 should have been recommended a biopsy for a suspected prostate cancer. If tPSA is or = 38.665 ng/ml, a prostate biopsy is performed without the free-PSA percentage. The sensitivity and the specificity in differentiating benign prostate hyperplasia from prostate cancer diagram are 83.33 percent and 89.18 percent, respectively. Conclusion: The differentiability between benign prostate hyperplasia and prostate cancer of free-PSA in tPSA ranges from 21.75ng/ml to 38.665ng/ml.
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