The study was to evaluate knowledge and practice about diabetes in Quang Xuong district, Thanh Hoa province,2011. The result showed that people's knowledge on diabetes: Percentage of people know the cause of diabetes is 52.3 percent, the risk factors that cause diabetes is 51.2 percent, how early diagnosis of diabetes was 37.8 percent and measures to prevent diabetes was 52 percent. Practice of the peop/eon the prevention of diabetes: The rate of people have a habit eating sweets and fats foods are 54 percent daily, involved exercise physical is 35.8 percent. Percentage of time on the exercise with 60 minutes/time is 49.0 percent, from 30-60 minutes/time accounting for 27.3 percent and less than 30 minutes exercise/time accounted for 23.8 percent. In conclusion, current status of knowledge and practice of people about diabetes as a basis for developing intervention communication plans and proper nutrition.
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