Vietnamese currently use a lot of salty seasonings other than salt to prepare foods such as seasoning granule, which were not iodized. This may be one of the reasons for increasing iodine deficiency in Vietnamese people. Objectives: To develop a new formula and processing procedure to fortify iodine in seasoning granule. Results: Different formulas were experimented. Among them, one with added 10 g KI03to 100 kg seasonings granule (approximately 59.3 mg iodinelkg seasoning granules) mixed with spraying liquid at the rate of 3.3 percent, mixing in 3 minutes at the temperature of the dryer in the input area, center area, and output area was 60°C, 90°C, and 60°C, approximately in 10 minutes met the organoleptic quality, the moisture, iodine content and microbiological indicators. Conclusions: The study was successful in developing the formula and processing procedure to fortify iodine to seasoning granule. This new approach might contribute to improve the status of iodine deficiency in the community
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