In 45 out of 57 patients bitten by bungarus had hyponatremia (78.9 percent), most of them at medium level (120mmol/l Na in blood 129mmol/l), 15.6 percent at high level (Na 120mmol/l) . The typical feature of hyponatremia of this patient group is acute and occurs mainly on the first three days; about 40.6 percent on the second day and 37.7 percent on the third day. The amount of urine Na is always high and related linearly to natremia 32 patients with hyponatremia (Na 130mmol) among 45 patients (Na 735mmol/l) caused by bungarus were made up by 2 percent intravenous sodium clorid. The results showed that 62.5 percent of patients achieving target blood Na treatment ( Na 130mmol) in the first 24 hours; 6 out of 7 patients with severe low blood sodium ( Na 120mmol/l) achieved treatment goals in the first 24 hours. 100 percent of patients did not have increased Na; there was no patient who had increased osmolality or died during treatment.
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