Objectives: Discribe the clinical characteristics, histopathology and treatment of non small cell lung cancer patients at department of haematology and oncology of No.108 military central hospital. Methods: retrospective intervention longitudinal follow-up study on 67 non small cell lung cancer patients treated from 01/2010 to 12/2013. Results: The mean age was 55,5 + or - 9,9 years old (28-74), mostly in age group of 46-65, there were 54 men (80.6 percent) and 13 women (19.4 percent). The ratio male / female was 4/1. The TNM staging in the order of I, II, III, IV stages were 6,0 percent, 29,9 percent, 32.8 percent, 31.3 percent in respectively. The most common histopathologic type was adenocarcinoma (74.6 percent). Common sites of metastases were Iympho nodes at multiples sites (50,8 percent) and bone (17,9 percent). The proportion of multi modality treatment was 55.2 percent, surgical treatment alone occupied 3 percent. Mean overall survival (OS) was 26,4 + or - 2,1 months (22,5- 30,5 months). OS rate at 3 years was 52,2 percent.
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