Purpose: study clinical feature of phacomorphic Glaucoma. Evaluate the results of treatment of phacomorphic Glaucoma. Method: prospective clinical trial study. Results: age 50-59 presented 30.5 percent , or = 60 presented 69.5 percent. There was a slight female preponderance (66.7 percent) compared to the male population (33.3 percent) which implies a statistically marginally significant difference. However there was no statistical significance difference when compared by the two subgroups. Patient in country presented 61.1 percent and city presented 38.9 percent. The duration between the onset of pain and surgery from 0 to 5 days (77.8 percent), from 6 to 10 (16.7 percent) and 10 days presented 5.5 percent. The preoperative intraocular pressure 35 to 45mmHg (47.2 percent), 46 - 55 (30.6 percent), 56 - 65 (13.9 percent) and 65 presented 8.3 percent. The visual acuity preoperation 1 metre count finger (94.5 percent), 3 metre countfinger presented 5.5 percent. Close anterior chamber angle presented 80.6 percent and shallow was presented 19. 4 percent. Corneal edema presented 100 percent, iritis presented 94.4 percent, dilated pupil larger 5mm presented 83.3 percent, Synchynea iris and cataract presented 72.2 percent. ECCE, implantation IOL combined trabeculectomy presented 11.1 percent, Phaco, implantation IOL combined trabeculectomy presented 69.5 percent, ECCE implantation IOL presented 5. 6 percent, Phaco, implantation IOL presented 13.8 percent. Postoperative visual acuity from 1/10 to 5/10 presented 72.2 percent, no case have VA larger than 5/10. Postoperative 3 months VA 1/10 to 5/10 presented 72.2 percent, larger VA 5/10 presented 8.3 percent. Postoperative 3 months intraocular pressure or or = 25 mmHg. Postoperative edema preseflted 58.3 percent, iritis presented 58.3 percent. Conclusion: phacomorphic glaucoma was treated efectively, sefety by phaco implantation in combined trabeculectomy. Postoperative intraocular pressure was contreled, visual acuity was improved and postoperative complication was ran.
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