Objectives: Discribe the clinical characteristics, histopathology of gastric cancer patients before D2 lymphadenectomy at No.108 Military Central Hospital. Methods: A cross-sectional retrospective study of 85 gastric cancer patients treated from 01/2010 to 4/2014. Results: The mean age was 55,9 + or - 9,6 years old. The ratio male / female was 4,67:1. Epigastric pain seen in 91.7 percent, weight loss 88.2 percent, bloating, Indigestion 42.3 percent, belching, heartburn 34.1 percent, persistent vomiting22.3 percent and gastrointestinal bleeding 12.9 percent. The mean size of the tumor was 3.9 cm Common located site of tumor was In the pyloric canal (68.2 percent) and then In the fundus (30.6 percent) and very few seen in the cardia (1.2 percent). 52.9 percent of patients was stage II and 37.7 percent was stage III. Adenocardnoma high and medium differentiated accounted for 43.5 percent; poorly or undifferentiated accounted for 34,1 percent; mucous and ring cell adenocarcinoma accounted for 34.1 percent and 22.4 percent.
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