Purpose: To review certain histopathological characteristics and their relating factors on non sma cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients with brain metastases treated by the combination of chemotherapy and rotating gamma knife (RGK) radiosurgery. Patients and methods: Prospective cross section analysis on 81 NSCLC with brain metastases, histopathological confirmation of primary tumors, were underwent RGK radiosurgery and chemotherapy at the Nuclear Medicine and Oncology Center, Bach Mai hospital from January 2009 to June 2014. Results: Histopathological types included: adenocardnoma (76,6 percent), squamous cell carcinoma (21,0 percent), large cell carcinoma (1,2 percent), adenosquamous cell cardnoma (1,2 percent). Male, age above 60, smoking history, multiorgan metastases ( or = 2), serum CEA levels 5(ng/ml), serum Cyfra 21-1 levels 3,3(ng/ml) in adenocarcinoma group were 71,0 percent; 51,6 percent; 61,3 percent; 50,0 percent; 77,4 percent; 48,4 percent, respectively. In squamous cell carcinoma, these rates were: 70,6 percent; 47,1 percent; 70,6 percent; 47,1 percent; 41,2 percent; 64,7 percent , respectively. Mean values of number of metastatic organs in adenocarcinoma group were 1,84 and in squamous cell cardnoma were 1,65; Conclusions: Major of patients had adenocardnoma (76,6 percent), then squamous cell cardnoma (21,0 percent). In adenocardnoma group: CEA above the cut off 5 (ng/ml) rate were significantly higher than the. squamous cell carcinoma group (77,4 percent vs 41,2 percent . In squamous cell carcinoma group: Cyfra 21-1 above the cut off 3,3(ng/ml) rate were significantly higher than the adenocardnoma group (64,7 percent vs 48,4 percent). There is no statistic difference between adenocardnoma and squamous cell cardnoma in the terms of age, gender, smoking history and the number of metastic organs.
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