The study was conducted to estimate the role of Enterovirus (EV) caused Encephalitis in children and discribe the clinical epidemiology, paraclinical characteristics of the disease from June 1, 2006 to May 31, 2008 at National Hospital of Pediatrics Hanoi Vietnam. Diagnosis EV Encephalitis was confirmed base on 2 criterias: (1) Clinical: Neurological disorders plus SIRS, (2) Specific PCR test for EV possitive in CSF. Results: EV Encephalitis was confirmed on 36 patients (8 percent), the age of the patients vary from 3 months to 14 years (Mean age: 5,74 + or - 3,88), male/female 3/1. The disease happened predominant in April, May and June. The common clinical sym tomes were fever, volmiting, consious disorders, convulsions; specially the shock, respiratory distress and skin rashes meet in more than 5-8 percent of the patients. CSF had not much special diferent changes in compare with other viral encephalitis. Brain CT showed abnormalities on 5/14 cases. Death and sequelae cases were more than 16 percent. Conclusion: EV played the important role caused Acute Encephalitis in children. There were some special differential characteristics on epidemiology, clinial, paraclinical aspects of EV encephalitis, but need more deeply and widerly in comming research to confirm.
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