Objective: - Research the effect in adults with ITP treated by corticosteroid. - The relationship between the response of treatment with patients having ITP prehistory. Methods: - 45 ITP patients from 16 - 60 years with platelets 20x 10 exponent 9/1. - Cross-sectional studies, describing individual cases. Data processing software MedCalc 10, Epi Info 6. Results: - On the 3rd day, 48.9 percent patients is still bleeding; to the ih day, there are 4.4 percent patients with bleeding; on the 14th day, there are 6.7 percent patients with bleeding; but in the 21st day, percentage of bleeding patients increases with 11.1 percent patients having this symptom. The improving of bleeding symptom is earlier than the recovering of platelet. - Laboratory testing: the response rate in the 21st day is 75.6 percent (complete response: 55.6 percent; partial response: 20.0 percent), the mean of platelet is 148.2 x 109/L. - The percentage of patients with the decreasing platelet count when we stop or to reduce the dose of corticosteroid is 17.8 percent. The response rate of new patients is 88.9 percent, and the patients with prehistory ITP is 66.7 percent. Conclusion: - The response rate is 75.6 percent (complete response: 55.6 percent; partial response: 20.0 percent), the improving of bleeding is earlier than the recovering of platelet. - The effectiveness of treatment of new patients is higher than patients with ITP prehistory.
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