Dream of every person on the planet is doing well, the maximum Contribution for family, self and society. People with disabilities are an integral part of the community, account for 10 percent of the world population, 98 percent of people with disabilities neglected or forgotten in the developing countries. Most disabled people living in poverty and withoutaccess to basic services, inclucding services forrehabilitation. Their main efforts are aimed to survive and meet basic needs. Quality of life of disabled people less than others in the community. Rehabilitation program of community-basedstrategy is a way to solve and prevent Disability in Vietnam to help people with disabilities canpromote maximum physical ability and mental approach opportunities and services usual and become an active member, be useful to the community and society. Through randomized study disability situation in Nha Trang city and intervention previous studies follows: from June 5/2010 to 3/2011, the authors found the proportion of people, with disabilities account for 1.9 percent, aged over 18 accounted for 85.9 percent of disabled people, groups difficult movement accounted for 32.07 percent, caused-diseases disabilities accounted for 78.5 percent, motor disabilities groups after intervention aremaking progress.
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