Objectives: This study aims to evaluate the successful rate, complications and efficacy of endoscopic pancreatic pseudocyst drainage in Cho Ray Hospital. Patients and methods: Cross-sectional descriptive all of the patients that underwent endoscopic pancreatic pseudocyst drainage in Cho Ray Hospital from Jan. 01, 2011 to Dee. 31, 2013. Technical success was defined as the ability to access and drain a pseudocyst by placement stent. Complications were assessed at 24 hours and at 30' days. Treatment success was defined as the complete resolution of pseudocysts. Results: Of 60 patients diagnosed as pancreatic pseudocysts and undergoing endoscopic drainage, the technical success rate was 75 percent. Major procedure-related complications encountered in 9 patients (15 percent), including cyst infection 5/60 (8.3 percent); 2 patients had peforation, in need of being operated (3.3 percent); and bleeding was in 2/60 (3.3 percent). No death related to procedure. The successful drainage rate was 87 percent. Conclusions: In the research, the technical success rate of endoscopic pseudocyst drainage was 75 percent; the complications rate were 15 percent and the successful drainage rate was 87 percent. Non-EUS guided pancreatic pseudocyst drainage is considered to have high technical success rate and low complication rate.
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