Hyperlipidemia following successful renal transplantation is frequent. The immunosupressive therapy seems to affect differently to lipidemic profile. Object 1) To determine of plasma lipid levels in renal transplanted patients; 2) To compare plasma lipid levels in renal transplanted patients, treated with cyclosporin (CsA) and tacrolimus (Tac). Method: The research was carried out in 26 patients, transplanted in Viet Duc hospital. Group 1: 9 patients using CsA; group 2: 17 patients using Tac. Plasma lipid (total cholesterol, triglycerid, HDL-C, LDL-C) were examined before transplatation, 3 and 6 months posttransplantation. Results: The plasma total cholesterol levels at pretransplantation, 3 and 6 months after transplantation was 3,83 + or - 0,93mmol/L, 5.88 + or - 1.24mmo1/L, 5,32 + or - 1,09mmol/L, respectively, in the cyclosporin group, plasma total cholesterol level was higher than that in the tacrolimus group with no statistically significant difference. The plasma triglycerid levels at pretransplantation, 3 and 6 months after transplantation was 1,77 + or - 1,16mmol/L, 3,28 + or - 1,76mmol/L, 2,60 + or - 1,31 mmol/L, respectively. The plasma HDLC levels at pretransplantation, 3 and 6 months after transplantation was 1,07 + or - 0,38mmol/L, 1,07 + or - 0,38mmol/L, 1,31 + or - 0,28mmol/L, respectively, in the cyclosporin group, plasma HDL-C level was higher than that in the tacrolimus group with no statistically significant difference. The plasma LDL-C levels at pretransplantation, 3 and 6 months after transplantation was 2,09 + or - 0,74mmol/L, 3,28 + or - 1,76mmol/L, 2,97 + or - 0,87mmol/L, respectively, in the cyclosporin group, plasma HDL-C level was higher than that in the tacrolimus group with no statistically significant difference. Conclusion: 1) Hyperlipidemia is frequent in renal transplantation, plasma cholesterol level at 3 month was significant higher than at 6 month. 2) In the cyclosporin group, plasma lipid level was higher than that in the tacrolimus group with no statistically significant difference.
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