Seting up screening cell panel and identyfying cell panel to produce and supply to blood transfusion centres and hospital to deploy screening test and identification test for patients and donors to raise quality of transfusion safety is neccessary. In this study we assess some norms of quality of frozen red blood cell, these red blood cells carry selected antigens and phenotype to produce screening cell panel and identifying cell panel in NIHBT. Objectives: Study on some norms of quality of red blood cell before and after frozen preservation in NIHBT. Materials: Blood donors' red blood cell which carry selected antigens to produce screening cell panel and identifying cell panel include 37 donors' blood samples with Rh blood group phenotypes: DCCee (20), DccEE (13), DCcee (2), DCCEe (1), dCcee(1); 4 donors' blood samples with P1 phenotype, 33 donors' blood samples with k phenotypes, 4 donors' blood samples with Fya phenotypes, 2 donors' blood samples with Fyb phenotypes, 4 donors' blood samples with Mia antigen, 2 donors' blood samples with S antigen and 33 donors' blood samples with s antigen. Methods: cross-sectional survey. Direct Coombs test and antigens typing before and after frozen preservation 1 week, 2 weeks, 1 month, 2 months, 3 months and 4 months. Results: Direct Coombs test was negative before and after preservation (37/37 samples). Agglutilation of P1, C, C, E, e antigens was not chance before and after preservation (3+ or 4+). Agglutilation of Kell, MNS (S, s, Mia), Duffy (Fya, Fyb) antigens decreased from 3+ to 2+ after preservation. Conclusions: Red blood cells which carry selected antigens and phenotype can be presered frozen to produce screening cell panel and identifying cell panel.
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