The study was canied out at 8/10 district in Nam Dinh province. The results showed that dengue mosquitoes in Nam Dinh mainly Ae.aegypti. Where to find pray and operation of two species of Aedes and staying mostly indoors. The corresponding index is the density of Ae. aegypti 0,42, the mosquito larvae Aedes the 50.0 and rate of water storage has Aedes larval 40.05 percent, 56.82 Bretau index is 56.82. Analysis of the relationship between increase in Dengue vector and climate change showed that variation in rainfall and seasonal temperatures are important factor affecting the development of the vector of DF. There is a difference between D1 an HI index of the district during the rainy season and the dry season. In the rainy season, the only female mosquitoes of the Aedes aegypti density tends to rise higher (r=0,67).
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