Objectives: To investigate the prevalance, clinical features of HBV/HCV carrier on Hemodialysis (HD) and after Kidney Transplantation (KT). Patients and Method: 330 HD patients and 118 KT recipients were included in the study. The prevalance, clinical features of HBV /HCV carrier in both groups were analysed. Results: in HD group, the rate of patient with HBV and/or HCV carrier was 64.9 percent; carried concomitance HBV and HCV was 5.5 percent; The rate of HCV carrier much more higher (52.7 percent) in comparison with HBV (12.1 percent). In KT group, the rate of both HBV and HCV carrier was 5.9 percent whereas 1. 7 percent has HCV infected and all were happened within the first year posttransplantation. The rate of patient with elevated of hepatic enzymes GOT, GPT, GGT in HD group who have carried HBV and HCV were 65 percent, 55 percent, 52.5 percent and 65.5 percent, 62.6 percent, 59.2 percent (respectively). In KT group, hepatic enzymes elevation was happened in all hepatitis patient and significant higher in group of patient with HCV infection (p0.01). The mean size of hepatic righ lobe was significant increased in hepatitis patient in both groups whereas the size of left lobe was insignificant changes. Conclusion: The prevalence of HBV/HCV :arrier on HD patient was high and HCV carrier Nas much more higher in comparison with HBV.
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