A cross-sectional study was conducted on 225 myocardial infarction (MI) are PCI at the National Heart Institute in Vietnam. The results show that: The rate of patient clinical preconditioning of acute MI is 52.89 percent, in women (55.1 percent) is higher than males (52.3 percent) (p 0.05). The average heart rate of the patient group has no phenomenon of clinical preconditioning is 85.0 + or - 15.3; the higher groups of patients whose heart rate with clinical preconditioning phenomenon is averaging 80.2 + or - 12.4 (p 0.05). Hypertention in the patient with the phenomenon of clinical preconditioning higher than the without (p 0.05). Cardiac shock, drop in blood pressure in patients with no phenomenon of clinical preconditioning accounted for 7.6 percent; the higher groups of patients (0.8 percent) of clinical preconditioning phenomenon (p 0.05). The level of Troponin T; CK-MB and hs-CRP in the patient group had on average the phenomenon of clinical preconditioning is 0.77 + or - 1.14; 150.8 + or -1.5 and 2.4 + or - 75.1; the lower group of patients did not have the phenomenon of clinical preconditioning (p 0.05). ST-Elevating in the patient has no clinical preconditioning is 3.2 + or - 1.7; higher in patients who have the phenomenon of clinical preconditioning (2.2 + or -1.2) (p 0.05).
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