Through the method of desciptive and analytic research (combining qualitative and quantitative analysis) and community intervention study (before and after), the model of developing sources of blood donors in the administrative sector in Phu Tho province (with 347 civil servants) shows that: the rate of objects having adequate, limited and bad knowledge is 21.9 percent, 40.9 percent and 37.2 percent alternately. The rate of objects with suitable, inadequate and negative attitude is 24:8 percent, 62 percent and 13.2 percent, 96:2 percent of objects has not ever given blood before and 95.6 percent has not ever persuded others to give blood. There is clearly big change about perception attitude and behavior in giving blood before and after implemanting the model. Adequate perception increases from 21.9 percent 89.0 percent; suitable attitude is from 24.8 percent to 93.1 percent; the rate of giving blood first time is from 3.2 percent to 23.7 percent; the rate of repeating is from 0.6 percent to 21.0 percent; and the rate of objects persuading others to donate blood is from 4.4 percent to 51.6 percent.
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