Aim: Assessment of clinical features and anoscopy in patients with internal hemorrhoids and the effectiveness of internal hemorrhoids treatment by infrared coagulation and rubber band ligation. Patients and Methods: Patients diagnosed with grade 2 or 3 internal hemorrhoids in gastroenterological department of Da Nang hospital had clinical examination, colonoscopy and anoscopy to treat internal hemorrhoids grade 2 by infrared coagulation and grade 3 by rubber band ligation. Results: 114 patients (76 male and 38 female) of which 121 with grade 2 internal hemorrhoids with symptoms: Rectal bleeding: Blood-rays (24.8 percent), few blood (61.2 percent); reduced of anal pain (34.7 percent), After treqtment with infrared coagulation Rectal bleeding: reduced blood -rays (5.8 percent), bloody (9.1 percent); but anal pain increased (64.5 percent). 35 with grade 3 internal hemorrhoids had symptoms: Rectal bleeding: Blood-rays (51.4 percent), few blood (34.2 percent); anal pain (71.1 percent) After treatment with rubber band ligation, symptoms reduced: Rectal bleeding: blood-rays (05.7 percent), few blood (22.8 percent); anal pain (85.7 percent). Conclusion: Symptoms of rectal bleeding decreased significantly after 1 week treatment with infrared coagulation for grade 2 internal hemorrhoids and rubber band ligation for grade 3 internal hemorrhoids.
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