Background: Currently, acute pancreatitis occurs more especially because no mechanical cause. The current trend, mainly surgical treatment. Specify surgery in certain cases. Research Methods: Retrospective descriptive in time from 1/2008 to 12/2012. Results: The disease occurs in males than females (male/female = 5,02). Common age 40-49 years, mean age: 44,9 + or - 13,5, relating to alcohol (48,6 percent), unknown causes (33,6 percent). 85,77 percent of patients treated. Indications for surgery (14,2 percent are common signs of peritonitis and pancreatic infection or abscess. Average length of hospital stay: 9,3 +8,3 days (range 1-73 days). Surgery group: 21,3+15,3 days; medical therapy group: 7,8+5,5 days. Conclusion: Acute pancreatitis not caused by mechanical treatment is primarily medical, surgical indications for treatment of peritonitis is usually caused by necrotizing pancreatitis and infected necrotic pancreatitis.
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