Introduction: Although morbidity and mortality have dropped dramatically since increased control efforts in during recent 20 years since the 1990s, but malaria is still present in Vietnam. High risk groups include ethnic minorities, migrants and people living in forestal areas. A large-scale study was carried out in order to provide more insights in the important risk factors of getting a malaria inftction that conducted in three villages a long the Vietnam-Cambodia border belongs to Duc Co district, Gia Lai province, Vietnam. Methodology: there were 1537 inhabitants who were detected through ELISA and house hold survey with closed questionnaire. Data collected from ELISA's results and household information were analyzed by using unvariate, multivariate and logistic regression CART analyses and age seroprevalence curves, malaria anti-body and ages in the study were showed. Results: By unvariate and multivariate showed althought current inftction rate was low (0.036) but about ten times as high for recent irifection (0.330 for P. falciparum and 0.368 for P. vivax and/or mix inftction). Most of the inftctions were asymptomatic. Main important risk factors were forest working, age or = 16 years old, p 0.001; J'rai ethnic minority and working and sleeping in the plot hut were high riskfactor of getting a malaria irifection, p 0.05; Also a low SES and insufficient bed net use counted for a higher risk on inftction, p 0.05. Movements across the border to work in the forest field and visit their ralatives were accounted for significantly high risk factors. CART analyses visualized relationships between variables and their relative and the age seroprevalence curves showed significantly differences in force of infection among the research population. Discussion: malaria prevalence in the study area was very high, almost of malaria cases was asymptomatic. Age group, forest field and forest working were important risk factors. Insufficient bed net use and sleeping in the forest field were significantly high risk factors of getting a malaria iyifection. Almost of malaria infective cases was focused among poor J'rai ethnic minority. Cross the border for cultivation, visiting their relatives was also significantly high risk factor of getting a malaria infection. Conclusion and recommendation: A high malaria prevalence, almost of malaria cases was
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