In order to have the evaluation of efficacy and to detect the predictors for sustained viral response of two Peginterferons, the authors have implemented a matched pair study on treatment naive chronic hepatitis C patients treated Peginterferon alfa-2a or Peginterferon alfa-2b plus Ribavirin. There are 100 naive chronic hepatitis C patients aged from 18 to 68, divided into two equal groups in clinical manifestations. Group I were treated with Peg-IFN alfa-2a, 180mcg qweek plus Ribavirin l5mg/kg/day; Group II were treated with peg-IFN alfa-2b l.5mcg/kg/week plus Ribavirin l5mg/kg/day. The time of treatment was 48 weeks. Sustained viral response was undetectable HCVRNA after 24 weeks of follow-up. The treatment outcome can be predicted by analyzing various data on age, sex, weight, serum ALT, AST/ALT ratio lower than 1, RVR, SVR, genotype and virus load. The sustained viral response rate of Group I was not different from of GroupII on total patients (82 percent vs. 84 percent, p 0.05). The relapse in two groups were also similar (12 percent vs. 8 percent, p 0.05). Baseline ALT, age, sex, genotype, virus load, AST/ALT ratio lower than 1 were not statistically significant predictors of sustained viral...response between two Peginterferons. Histology affected on response rate of Group I.RVR,EVR were strong predictors for SVR. In conclusion, the sustained viral response rate is similar in naive chronic hepatitis C patients treated with peg IFN alfa-2a or Peg-IFN alfa-2b. Peg-.Side effect of serious leukocytopenia more frequently occurs in treatment with Peg-IFN alfa-2b, however it should be further studied in future.
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