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Tiêu đề
Phát hiện đột biến gen gây bệnh beta-thalassemia bằng kỹ thuật Multiplex Arms-PCR
Tác giả
Trần Vân Khánh; Phạm Thanh Loan; Hồ Cẩm Tú; Nguyễn Đức Hinh; Trần Thị Oanh; Trần Huy Thịnh; Tạ Thành Văn
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Từ khóa nghiên cứu
Beta-thalassemia (Beta-thalassemia) is an autosomal recessive blood disorder which is characterized by an absence or a reduction in Beta-globin chain synthesis. More than 200 different mutations located within the Beta-globin gene are currently recognized throughout the world as causes for Beta-thalassemia. The aim of this study is to detect the common mutat!ons in Beta-globin using Multiplex ARMS-PCR. 50 unrelated patients with lBeta-thalassemia were selected for this study. The results showed that 39 out of 52 patients having mutation, representing 75 percent with 9 common mutations in the Beta-globin gene. The most frequent mutation was Codon 41/42 (-TCTT) at 30 percent and Codon 17 (A T) at 21 percent.
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