Compaired the influence to the circulation, coagulation, renal functions and the other actions of Tetrasfan 6 percent and Voluven 6 percent. Objectives: Compaired the influence to the circulation, coagulation, renal functions and the other actions of tetrasfan 6 percent and voluven 6 percent. Material and methods: 60 patients divised two groups which was transmit voluven 6 percent and teetrasfan 30ml/ kg. Results: they was caused increasing the frequence of the heat, the pression blood, PVC after transmiting 30 min. There were changing the coagulation and recuped after 2-3 hour. It is not invariable the level of the ure, creatinin and reaction after giving this liquids . Conclusions: All of two liquids have the sames actions in to the heat, repiration and coagulation . They have not reaction after transmiting.
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