Tonsillectomied by coblation have many advancements such as bipolar probe systems, cool probes (Plasma Wand), a low temperature molecular disintegration. Objective: to assess the morbidity and efficacy of radiofrequency thermal ablation tonsillectomied (Coblation) in comparison with classic dissection method. Study design and setting: Prospective, randomized, controlled clinical study 191 patients were tonsillectomy by dissection and 159 patients by coblator II system. All of them were under general anesthesis. Operative time was recorded as the number of minute from insertion of the mouth gag to removal of the mouth gag. Estimated blood loss was recorded for each patient. After operation, all of patients took antibiotics (Augmentine) and analgesic (Efferalgan). All patients were asked to fill out a postoperative diary. Results: The amount of blood lost during surgery: the coblation average 6,88ml (1-60ml) dissection average 34,31ml (2080ml); Surgery time: coblation average 17.42 minutes (10-45) dissection average 23.97 minutes (15-55); the rate of bleeding early intervention: coblation 1.57 percent (3/191); dissection 1.26 (2/159) ratio late postoperative bleeding intervention: coblation 1.05 percent (2/191); dissection of 1.26 percent (2/159) Median postoperative pain scores: coblation day 1: 3.96, day 2: 3 days 3: 3.43, 4: 2.74, day 5: 2.48, day 6: 2,04, day 7: 1.82. day 1 5.07 dissection, day 2: 4.51, day 3: 4.35, 4: 3.74, day 5: 3.38, day 6: 3.05, day 7: 2.84. Time back to eating normally: coblation 6.59 days (3-17), dissection 8.43 (4-15); Time to return to normal: 6.23 coblation (1-12), dissection 8.26. Conclusion: tonsillectomy by Coblation is a safety and effect method with time of surgery is short, decrease in blood lost, less pain after operation, faster healing and reduced postoperative care.
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