Phytobezoars are a rare cause of acute bowel obstruction. The purpose of this work was to identify the predisposing factors, diagnostic difficulties and treatement of this rare entity. Material and methods: This is a retrospective study including all cases of small-bowel obstruction secondary to phytobezoars observed from 1/2008 to 12/ 2010. The diagnosis of bezoars was established by surgical exploration or by computed tomography (CT). Results: During the study period, 50 patients were hospitalized at our institution with a diagnosis of small-bowel obstruction secondary to phytobezoars . The usual patient age was 50-70 years, with a gender ratio of 1.3, favoring men. The predisposing factors were gastroduodenal surgery for peptic ulcer in 12 patients, and excessive consumption of acrid fruids in 26 patients. Laparotomy was performed in 23 patients to allow digital fragmentation of the bezoar, which was then washed into the colon. The phytobezoas removal is commonly done by gastrotomy and/or enterotomy in 17 patients. There were no postoperative death. Conclusion: An abdominal cr scan should be obtained for patients with small-bowel obstruction. This examination offers a precise diagnosis of bezoars, reducing the number of unnecessary surgical procedures, and helping to guide the approach if surgery is needed.
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