This cross-sectional descriptive survey on the status of HIV testing activities in 63 provinces and cities from May 03, 2011 to March 12, 2011, combined retrospective study of periodic activity reports for HIV testing was done. Results showed that in 1,105 HIV laboratories across the country, including 84 HIV laboratories confirmed accounted for 7.6 percent, which primarily located in the central and provincial level, more than 90 percent of HIV confirmed laboratories still maintain their standards of facilities and equipment regulations issued by the Ministry of Health, there is only 41.5 percent in the screening laboratory. Equipment for testing is ELISA but only 70 percent of base with maintenance, 30 percent maintenance and calibration. Testing algorithms accordance to test the strategy III is 100 percent made in conjunction with enzyme immunoassay technique to confirm the HIV-positive cases. There are 14 algorithms in Strategy III tests are applied and 31 test kits are used. It takes 01 hour to 01 days to get screening results, while confirmatory testing time takes 08 days. The quality assurance management in laboratories are just implemented the external quality control programs. 92 percent of facilities in the study had attended the EQA program, only 69 percent of laboratories have implemented internal quality control laboratory testing, especially, 46 percent of confirmatory laboratories and 9 percent of screening laboratories which developed and implemented of SOP for testing. The next period the authors need focus to improve the quality assurance in HIV testing at all levels.
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