Mô tả thực trạng kiến thức về thực hiện nhiệm vụ của nhân viên phục hồi chức năng cộng đồng tại huyện Quỳnh Phụ tỉnh Thái Bình năm 2020. Sử dụng thiết kế cắt ngang chọn mẫu toàn bộ 114 nhân viên phục hồi chức năng cộng đồng tại huyện Quỳnh Phụ tỉnh Thái Bình.ỷ lệ có kiến thức đạt về thực hiện nhiệm vụ của nhân viên phục hồi chức năng cộng đông chưa cao 52,6%; trong đó kiến thức về quản lý theo dõi người khuyết tật có tỷ lệ đạt cao nhất 85,1%, thấp nhất là kiến thức triển khai thực hiện phục hồi chức năng dựa vào cộng đồng cho người khuyết tật chiếm 59,6%
Community-Based Rehabilitation Program (CBR) has been established as a strategy to improve access to rehabilitation services by maximizing the use of local resources, in which the main resource is community rehabilitation workers. The implementation of the functions and duties of community rehabilitation workers plays a very important role in performing the functions and tasks of the CBR program. Therefore, the study “Knowledge and task performance of community rehabilitation workers in Quynh Phu district, Thai Binh province in 2020” was conducted with the aim of: “Describing the current state of knowledge about task performance of community rehabilitation workers in Quynh Phu district, Thai Binh province by 2020”. Research method: Using cross section design on the sample selected by total 114 community rehabilitation workers in Quynh Phu district, Thai Binh province. Results: Average age of rehabilitation workers was 51.25 years old, mostly 87.7% female and be trained in primary-level health; There are 56.2% of community rehabilitation workers achieved the required knowledge in performing the tasks of a community rehabilitation worker. The percentage of the required knowledge achieved by detecting and reporting the condition of the disabled and assessing rehabilitation needs, implementing community-based rehabilitation for the disabled, and follow-up management accounts for 64.9%, 59.6%, and 81.5%, respectively. Conclusion: The percentage of workers with required knowledge about the task performance of rehabilitation workers is not high at 52.6%; of which, knowledge about follow-up management for the disabled make up the highest rate of 85.1%, the lowest rate is knowledge of implementing CBR for PWDs, accounting for 59.6%.
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