Objective: to determine the prevalence of HIV infection in femmale members who get access to HIV vcr dub; to discribe knowledge and pratice of femmale members on HIV prevention. Method.. a cross-section study on the risk HIV infection woman from HIV vcr dub. HIV diagnosis follow MOH guidline and HIV knowledge, practice on HIV prevention in the studied subjects determined by using a questionaire. Result The rate of HIV (+) in studied subjects was 4.1 percent (95 percent a 3.1 to 5.1) in which the rate of HIV (+) was highest in the 25-34 age group, but the difference was not significant compared with other age groups. Rate answer correct 5 common :tuestions about HIV transmission was 72.6 percent, one sex partner can prevent HIV infection 99.6 percent; 85.7 percent had two or more sexual partners; the rate of used condom 71.4 percent; 97.5 percent of subjects are interested in the test results, induding 5.3 percent tested with their partner and reveal their HIV status to sexual partners. Condusion: HIV prevalence rate of HIV (+) in studied subjects was 4.1 percent (95 percent a 3.1 to 5.1). Need to improve the approach and forms of education, improve understanding of the disease relevance and effectiveness to the subjects.
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