This study was carried out among 178 commune health staff working at 89 communes belonging to 4 districts of Haiduong province about reproductive health care in 2012. Objectives: to describe knowledge on reproductive health care among midwife and chief of health station. The results showed that about 90.0 percent of the respondents know about birth delivery; about 97.8 percent of them know that condom use can prevent sexual transmitted diseases. When being asked about common complications due to abortion or menstrual regulation, about 94.9 percent of them answered as bleeding; 70.8 percent answered as pain in abdomen; 96.6 percent as uterine perforation; 97.8 percent as infection; infertility as 92.1 percent; and weaken health as 75.8 percent. There was an association between education level of chief of health station and knowledge on complications of pregnant woman (p0.05), and there was also an association between complications of abortion and seniority of midwife (p0.05).
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